Activities and Clubs
Art Club: The Art Club is an after school activity that provides materials,instruction and support for those students who are seeking a creative outlet in addition to their academic schedule. Students will meet Mondays from 2:35-4:00.
Advisor: Mr. Matt Banger (M5)
A.S.B.: (Associated Student Body): A.S.B. serves the students, staff and community of Mead High School and provides the communication link between these groups. They also organize activities that benefit the school, such as all school assemblies, blood drives and spirit weeks.
Advisor: Mr. Skyler Lamberd (S31)
Athletics: Mead High School places a high premium on athletic participation during the academic year. Because these programs are school sponsored activities, there are certain eligibility requirements which include academic, physical, and behavioral standards. The program offerings are:
Fall: Boys Football, Boys & Girls Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Girls Slow Pitch Softball & Girls Soccer Winter: Boys & Girls Wrestling, Girls Gymnastics, Boys & Girls Basketball Spring: Boys & Girls may participate in Track, Tennis and Golf. Boys Baseball, Girls Fast Pitch Softball, and Boys Soccer are also available in the spring season.
Interim Athletic Director: Lynn Coleman (Main Office)
Black Student Union: The Black Student Union (BSU) is a predominantly African-American organization (that is open to ANYONE) which seeks to promote cultural and political awareness of issues impacting the Black Community.The BSU's focus is to build awareness, education, and a new level of consciousness about being an African American in today's society.
Cheerleading: Selected freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors support Mead High School with spirit acknowledgements and cheering at fall & winter sporting events. Cheerleaders recognize and acknowledge other school organizations and give their full support to the Mead High School community.
Advisor: Mrs. Katherine Melka
Color Guard: Color Guard performs and competes with the Marching Band in the fall, traveling around the northwest. This is an incredible opportunity for anyone interested in dance performance. Winter Guard is a Color Guard activity that performs in the winter and early spring. For more information about this activity, please visit
Advisor: Mr. Rob Lewis (Band Room)
Computer Programming: Computer Programming Club is a place where students can come and explore different programming languages (ZeroEngine, Unity and possibly RPG maker). We will be meeting on Wednesdays after school from 2:35-4:00. Anyone with a desire to code and/or make games is welcome to join.
Advisor: Mr. Jason Roberts (M12)
Dance Team: Dance Team promotes school spirit, supports the athletic teams and entertains the audience at games. Dance Team will perform at assemblies, basketball half times and compete in dance competitions. The team may practice during the summer and before and after school.
Advisor: Angela Pierson
Debate: Debate is an experience which includes arguing current events, deep philosophical discussions and performing humorous performances. It also includes travel opportunities to meet new and interesting people and visit many exciting places.
Advisor: Mike Stovern (S29)
DECA: DECA is a Marketing club that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Enjoy competing at area, state and national competitions.
Advisor: Brandon Butler (H42)
Drama: The Drama department performs three plays each year. Practice for each play takes eight weeks. Plays Are performed for the public as well as junior high and elementary audiences. Students are also invited to participate in local theater festivals such as INTAF (Inland Northwest Theater Arts Festival). The Drama club meets after school every other Wednesday and has all sorts of fun theater activities.
Advisor: Greg Bertsch (Black Box or Theater)
Dungeons and Dragons Club: Play the fantasy game Dungeons and Dragons without the use of technology. We have seven groups who use books or a creative leader to lead them on adventures. Although most have experience with the game, others are brand new and join an on-going group to learn how to play. We meet every Wednesday and Friday throughout the school year in H-15.
Environmental Club: The Mead Environmental Club is an awareness group with a goal of making the Mead community a greener place. We work both out in our community and on campus. We meet once a week on Tuesdays after school.
Advisor: Mr. Jesse McCorkle (S4)
HOSA: Health Occupations Student of America. This is a club for students interested in pursuing a career in the health field. There are guest speakers, community service, scholarship opportunities, and state and national competitions.
Advisors: Mrs. Kristal Pride (S22)
LINK Crew: We need leaders like you! What is LINK Crew? A year long program that welcomes incoming freshmen to Mead by having kind, dependable juniors and seniors show them the way. We will have a LINK Crew class for 25-30 students who will lead and organize activities for freshmen throughout the school year.You can be part of the LINK Crew of 80+ students who will run the activities we do. *You don’t need to be in the class to be a member of the Crew.
Advisor: Katherine Melka (H23)
Marching Band: Marching Band performs at competitions throughout the Pacific NW in the fall as well as at home football games. This co-curricular activity occurs outside the school day and involves some expenses for accessories and travel. This is one of our most exciting and thrilling performance opportunities for band students. For more information about this and additional band opportunities, please visit
Advisor: Mr. Brandon Campbell (Band Room)
Math Club: Explore different math concepts and compete in local competitions.
Advisor: Mr. Gregg Sampson (M26)
Metal Shop Club:
Advisor: Andy Arnold (M6)
Mead Serves Club: Mead serves volunteers with organizations around Spokane to both better our community and provide valuable volunteer experience for students.
Advisor: Ms. Dana Rowan (H17)
Mountain Bike Club: Mountain bike club is an affinity based club that encourages the sport of mountain biking. We meet monthly to talk about all things mountain biking (local trail intelligence, guest speakers, how to get involved in the local community, bike maintenance, race information, and social time to get to know other mountain bikes etc.). We don't do organized rides, but we do provide a social group to meet other like-minded students.
Advisor: Karen May (M14)
Multicultural Club: Multicultural Club is committed to promoting awareness and appreciation of diverse cultures. Our Goals: We are a club designed to help you have some FUN and meet new friends.
National Honor Society: National Honor Society is an organization for juniors and seniors who have achieved a 3.6 or above G.P.A. Students may apply in the spring of their sophomore year. Members are required to perform 12 hours of community service each semester. Members with a 3.8 or above G.P.A. may apply for Academic Letters and pins.
Advisor: Ms. Dana Rowan (H17)
Native American Culture: Students work together on different goals to help bring Native American culture to Mead High School through history, language, art, music, food, projects and education.
Advisor: Mr. Gregg Sampson (M26)
Panther Power Hour: Homework Club every Monday and Wednesday after school. Tutors are available to support you with your academics and an activity bus is provided.
Advisor: Jody Harkness (Student Services/Counseling)
Photography Club:
Poetry Out Loud: By Participating in the program, students master public speaking skills and build self confidence, while also learning how to connect with and analyze literature in new ways. Each state hosts an annual competition, culminating in a national competition among the state winners. In 2013 our very own Langston Ward was a national winner.
Robotics Club: This club meets every day after school during January and February, followed by a district robotics competition. Students work in groups to design, build and program a robot with given constraints. Prior programming knowledge is helpful, but not required.
Advisor: Mr. Andy Arnold (M6)
SAGA: The Sexuality and Gender Alliance, meets weekly after school on Thursday’s. The club provides a safe environment to discuss all types of concerns. All are welcome.
Advisor: Skyler Lamberd (S31)
Student Council: Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student / faculty / community relations.
Through projects and activities, student councils work to promote citizenship, leadership, human relations, and cultural values. There are opportunities to get involved as a classroom leader, grade level leader, or elected position.
Advisor: Ray Picicci Main Office
Unified Sports: Want a rewarding experience? Unified Sports is a fast-growing initiative that brings people with and without intellectual/developmental disabilities together on the same team to compete. Teams compete at GSL, District, Regional and State levels. Basketball in the Winter, Soccer in the Spring.
Advisor: Brandon Butler (H42)
Wood Working Club: Students learn how to work with wood, use woodworking equipment and wood-working processes while building projects. Emphasis is placed on shop safety, and using equipment properly. Instructor approval required.
Advisor: Mr. Andy Arnold (M6)
World Languages:
French Club: The French club is a loosely structured club and is open to all Francophiles. It gives Mead students a chance to go deeper into the culture of French the world. The French club has three main activities: The Buche de Noel Contest in December, Mardi Gras (usually in February), and a Crepe Party toward the end of the year. Occasionally we have movie nights as well as guest speakers.
Advisor: Mrs. Tammy Hubble (M30)
German Club: The German Club meets every month to plan activities that include Laserquest Challenge, German Turkey-Poker night, Christmas caroling, German cooking night, visit to Deutches Haus, and an end of the year gathering. You don't have to be in German class to enjoy the fun!
Advisor: Mr. Jason Reich (H2)
Japanese Club: Japanese club is for anyone interested in learning about Japanese culture. Our goal is to learn and experience culture and have fun. We have done games, food, holidays, and more in the past. We meet every other Tuesday in M-28. We hope you can join us!The Japanese Club meets two times a month, every other Tuesday after school in Room M-28.
Advisor: Mrs Edmondson (M28)
Spanish Club: The Spanish Club meets regularly during the school year to enhance learning through cultural opportunities. Interested students should contact Mrs. Edmonson in room M28 for more information,
Advisor: Mrs. Sarah Edmonson (M28)